Dangerous Driving Causing Accident
What happens if you are involved in dangerous driving which caused death? Get in touch with the best Criminal Lawyers in Brisbane.

Handcuffing In the following mentioned case, unreasonable handcuffing was discussed. it appears that, Police can not handcuff just because a person was arrested. Kumar v Minister for Immigration, Local Government & Ethnic Affairs (1991) 28 FCR 128 In interpretation, Kyrou J. stated in Slaveski v State of Victoria [2010] VSC 441, “Lockhart J held that […]
Pervert Course of Justice
In R v Danahay [1993] 1 Qd R 271 his honour referred to R v Kellett[1976] Q.B. 372 where Stephenson L.J stated “With this authority in mind we would not consider that the offence of attempting to pervert the course of justice would necessarily be committed by a person who tried to persuade a false […]
Caught with Drugs?

Charged with Drug related offence? Talk to a lawyer before talking to a Police or going before a magistrate. Brisbane’s Best criminal defence lawyer.