Do you have medicine which requires prescription but some how you are in possession of such medicine? What could be the consequences?
For example, let say you got some Cialis with Tadalafil.
According to Section 34 Medicines and Poisons Act 2019 (Qld)
34 Offence to buy or possess S4 or S8 medicines or hazardous poisons
(1) A person must not buy or possess an S4 or S8 medicine or hazardous poison unless the person—
(a) buys or possesses the medicine or poison in the authorised way; or
(b) has a reasonable excuse.
Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.
Tadalafil is Schedule 4 medicine according to Poison Standard.
The penalty unit value in Queensland is $137.85 (current from 1 July 2021). Click Here to Know More about current information on Penalty Units.
So what it means is, if you have medicine which is schedule 4 or which requires to have prescription, you could be penalised to be in possession of it.
You might think you have reasonable excuse, but it has to be extreme. According to he same act,
Example of a reasonable excuse—
A person becomes responsible for the affairs of the holder of a
substance authority who is critically ill, dies, is imprisoned or becomes bankrupt.