Researching on “Searching Vehicle without Warrant”
My findings are,
Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 (Qld)
Division 3 – Searching vehicles without warrant
Section 31 and 32
– If not, then must comply, Section 160
– If not, then must comply, Section 161
R v P and N [2016] QSC 049
“… contained 52.639 grams of cocaine (16.755g pure), 295.683 grams of heroin (97.509g pure) and 281.236 grams of methylamphetamine (130.956g pure)”
Evidences were excluded
R v Day and Davis [2008] QSC 358
Court finds that the search was unlawful because there were no search warrant and there were no emergency to conduct a search without a warrant. Then court looks at the part that, the unlawful conduct was reckless disregard for the law.
Similar Case – R v Hammond & Loosemore [2016] QSC 98

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